Young Gardeners

Mickleton Young Gardeners

The Mickleton Young Gardeners are a group of young people who rent two allotments from the Mickleton Poor's Land Trust. The club has been running since 2008. Many of the young people and their parents have now been with us for a number of years. The young people are joined by their parents each week and undertake all the tasks associated with growing; from planting to harvesting.

Any young person, over the age of 5, is welcome to join the club, there is no subscription, but they must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Each week they take home a bag of seasonal produce. Any surplus is sold to provide the income to invest in the seed, rent, fertiliser, compost etc. for the next year. The aim of the club is to be self sufficient but very generous support has been received from the Richard Porter Trust, the Poor's Land Trust and the JM. Dixon charity which has enabled the purchase of major items of equipment and tools.

The young people benefit both socially and academically through learning and working together to gain an insight into the challenges and vagaries of the natural world, at the same time having fun.

Mickleton Young Gardeners meet at the allotments every Monday, late March to November, after school during term time for an hour and usually on Wednesday morning during the holidays.  Anyone wishing to join or simply to come and help will be most welcome.
